players |
graphics |
chromium |
timeline |
other |

Welcome! Somehow, regardless of how hard we try to make ourselves
invisible, you've managed to find us. Well, lah-tee-dah. Since you're
here, you might as well explore the various things we have to offer.
Check it out:
- Our players page is now up to date. Many people's link there have
long since faded into web hell. People who want links posted, please
email me
- The graphics page has some of the art we've had done for us and by us
over the years. Also, a bunch of icons you can download and use on
your site, if you care to link to us. Woohoo.
- Chromium is our history page. It describes, with no shortage of comic
relief, the history of MU*s in general. Thanks to Coyote for the text.
- TrippyMUSH's own timeline appears at the given link. Its hopelessly out
of date, but I'm going to try and update it with some regularity now.
Adding a couple of items in that were lost in the shuffle.
- The 'Other' section isn't anything right now, but I've some ideas that may
eventually make it there. For now, just be patient, and we'll see what
Oh, and by the way. Bite me.
This page, its contents, and all images used at property and
copyright TrippyMUSH, Inc. TrippyMUSH is for adults. The content of discussions had
there, descriptions of rooms and objects, and in fact, verbage on this very page may
contain adult language and themes. If you're not an adult, or are an adult, and can't
handle our opinions, just leave. We don't want you. Life is like that sometimes. Suck
it up.